Friday, May 17, 2013

Quickly and Easily View Folder Sizes

For most of us with MacBook laptops, especially those with MacBook Air laptops, hard drive space can be crucial. MacBook Air laptop come with SSDs (solid state hard drives) which usually don't have a lot of space because they are very expensive. So keeping your laptops hard drive space nice and tidy can become critical.

Here's a quick and easy way to find out what is taking up the most space on your hard drive.

Please note... this post is only going to show you how to find where all your hard drive space is going. But I do not recommend that anyone attempt to free up space by deleting files unless you are absolutely, 100% positive, that you know what you are deleting. A lot of files are very important to your Mac, so please, do not start deleting files or folders without proper research first.

- Open Finder
- Navigate to the location containing the folder you want to check.
- Switch to List View by clicking CMD-2, or navigating to View > As List, or clicking the List icon.
- Right-click anywhere inside and select Show View Options from the pop-up window.

- In the Options window check the Size and the Calculate all sizes options, and close the Options window.

- You should now see the folder sizes populated. This number represents the size of all files and subfolders inside that folder.

You can now start drilling down the folders to see exactly what's taking up all your space.

I like to start by sorting the view by Size so that the largest size is on the top. Do this by simply clicking the Size header.

Then one by one I open up the folders (by clicking the arrow next to the folder name).

That's it. You can now start to find out where all you hard drive space is going. And with some research, you may be able to delete some files and folders and free up some space.

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